Our Programs
Our Programs Distribute to Those in Need
More than half of the Pantry’s groceries are distributed outside the walls and halls of our home at 55 N. Park Blvd. in Glen Ellyn. Because transportation is not always easy for our neighbors who are at risk of hunger, we bring the groceries to them- where they need help the most. And these important services would not be possible without the support of our nonprofit partners.
SnackPack Program
A Partnership with the Kiwanis Club
Neighbors: Low-income children receive nutritious snacks for weekends when they have no access to free/reduced meals.
Frequency: More than 600 SnackPacks are distributed weekly through schools in Glen Ellyn, Wheaton, Addison and Warrenville.
Location: Sorting and Pack assembly takes place at local churches.
Care Center Program
A Partnership with the Glen Ellyn Bible Church
Neighbors: About 50 - 100 DuPage families are served a dinner and can shop for essential groceries provided by the Pantry.
Frequency: Monthly.
Location: Glen Ellyn Bible Church.
Senior Services
A Partnership with Senior Home Sharing
Neighbors: Residents of group homes receive groceries for their group meals.
Frequency: Delivery of groceries weekly for 7-days a week meals.
Location: Group homes in Lombard and Naperville.
Veteran Services
A Partnership with the Midwest Shelter for Veteran Services
Neighbors: Essential groceries are delivered to a home for 6-7 veterans
Frequency: Weekly
Location: Wheaton
Unique Partnerships
Addison Public Library: Bags of groceries from the Pantry distributed to local teens
Bridge Communities: Pantry provides a basket of essential groceries to stock the kitchens of new homeowners
DuPage PADS: Pantry provides snacks once per week for 135 families
Mary’s Closet through St. Petronille Church: Groceries from the Pantry help families-in-need at the church
Glen Ellyn Juniors: Bags of groceries from the Pantry are added to presents for families for the holidays
Teen Parent Connection: Pantry provides essential groceries twice per month to 10-20 teen parents